No, but [the LICENSE of ant-design]( is MIT. So, you can try to implement it with ant-design's [style](, like: [ant-design-vue]( [vue-beauty]( or [antue](
### It doesn't work when I change `defaultValue` dynamically.
The `defaultXxxx` (like `defaultValue`) of `Input`/`Select`(etc...) only works in first render. It is a specification of React, please read [React's documentation](
### I set the `value` of `Input`/`Select`(etc...), and then, it cannot be changed by user's action.
Try `defaultValue` or `onChange` to change `value`, and please read [React's documentation](
### antd override my global styles!
Yes, antd is designed to develop a complete background application, we override some global styles for styling convenience and it can't be removed now. More info trace .
Or follow instruction in [How to avoid modifying global styles?](docs/react/customize-theme#How-to-avoid-modifying-global-styles-?)
### `message` and `notification` is lower case, but other components are capitalized. Typo?
No, as `message` is just a function, not a React Component.
### `antd` doesn't work well in mobile.
Please check [And Design Mobile]( for details. `antd` has not been optimized to do so. You may try [react-component](, those repositories which start with 'm-' 'rn-' are designed for mobile.
### Does `antd` supply standalone files like 'react' do?
Yep, you can [import `antd` with script tag]( But we recommend use `npm` to import `antd`, it is simple and easy to maintain.
### I can't visit `icon` in my network environment.
You should deploy the iconfont files to your network by following this [example]( [#1070](
After 3.9.x [we are using svg icon](/components/icon#svg-icons) so you don't need to deploy iconfont locally any more!
### How to extend antd's components?
If you need some features which should not be included in antd, try to extend antd's component with [HOC]( [more](
### How to spell Ant Design correctly?
- ✅ **Ant Design**: Capitalized with space, for the design language
- ✅ **antd**: all lowercase, for the React UI library
Here are some typical wrong examples:
- ❌ AntD
- ❌ antD
- ❌ Antd
- ❌ ant design
- ❌ AntDesign
- ❌ antdesign
- ❌ Antdesign
### Do you guys have any channel for donation? like PayPal or Alipay.
No yet.
### Why not?
Alibaba will pay us.
## Errors & Warnings
Here are some errors & warnings that you may meet while using antd, but most of them are not bugs of antd.
### Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag
An [answer from StackOverflow](, and please read [React's documentation](
### React.createElement: type should not be null, undefined, boolean, or number. It should be a string (for DOM elements) or a ReactClass (for composite components)
Please make sure that you import `antd`'s components correctly. Read the corresponding documentation of the `antd`'s version which you use. And pay attention to typo.
### rm is not recognized as an internal or external command
Please read this [issue](, or try Linux/Unix.
### Failed propType: Invalid prop `AAA` of type `BBB` supplied to `CCC`, expected `DDD`. Check the render method of `EEE`.
Please read the corresponding documentation of the `antd`'s version which you use, and make sure that you pass value with correct type to `antd`'s components,
### Unknown option: xxx/package.json.presets
An [answer from Stack Overflow](
### Invariant Violation: findComponentRoot(...): Unable to find element.
You may import React twice. Set React & ReactDOM as external, if you are using webpack, See: [#525]( If you are using others(browserify, etc...), please read its documentation and find options which can set React & ReactDOM as external.