<imgclass="preview-img"align="right"alt="Popover Example"description="When triggered by click, symmetry between activated and disabled states should be maintained, in other words, popover should be closed where it was opened. When triggered by hover, activate the popover 0.5 second after a mouse-enter event, and close the popover immediately after a mouse-leave event."src="https://os.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/GmpRYixxnePBPPW.png">
Popover: When a user clicks or hovers a link or piece of content, display a small amount of detailed information for the corresponding list item in a floating layer.
Modal: A user can view detailed information in a modal dialog via a click. But it loses the contextual/visual tie to the clicked list item, because, unlike popover and embedding, modal is usually presented in a fixed position regardless of the position of clicked list item.
Dual-Panel Selector: A user can view a large amount of detailed information in a (usually right) panel beside the list.
<imgclass="preview-img"align="right"alt="Full-Window Example (No New Window)"src="https://os.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/YTdIMZLeobNrjmU.png">
<imgclass="preview-img"align="right"alt="Full-Window Example (New Window)"description="Detailed information of clicked list item would replace the list area, user can go back to the list via breadcrumb, button or browser Back button."src="https://os.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/uAeEOeoCAeTHgsQ.png">
Full-Window: A user can view a large amount of detailed information in current page. This mode loses contextual/visual tie to the clicked list item, however it is suitable for scenarios where detailed information is completely irrelevant, or screen size is small (i.e. mobile), or list and details are huge.
Thumbnail Grid: Display images/icons in two dimensions, this approach has strong visual effects which attracts user attention.
### Display Long List
<imgclass="preview-img"align="right"description="Pagination is a good choice if performance is a main concern."src="https://os.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/aZwrmpnaIEoxiXJ.png">
Pagination: Load list in a sectioned way, user determines whether to load other list items.
<imgclass="preview-img"align="right"description="Pagination can make things clunky when there is intensive operation on listed data, especially when there is selection across pages. So infinite scrolling would be a better choice. Infinite scrolling is also suitable for presenting all data for a user (i.e. user's orders) or non-temporary data."src="https://os.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/afDpGUyoyQZFgks.png">