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7 years ago
type: Feedback
category: Components
7 years ago
title: Drawer
7 years ago
A panel which slides in from the edge of the screen.
7 years ago
## When To Use
A Drawer is a panel that is typically overlaid on top of a page and slides in from the side. It contains a set of information or actions. Since the user can interact with the Drawer without leaving the current page, tasks can be achieved more efficiently within the same context.
- Use a Form to create or edit a set of information.
- Processing subtasks. When subtasks are too heavy for a Popover and we still want to keep the subtasks in the context of the main task, Drawer comes very handy.
- When the same Form is needed in multiple places.
7 years ago
## API
| Props | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| closable | Whether a close (x) button is visible on top right of the Drawer dialog or not. | boolean | true |
| destroyOnClose | Whether to unmount child components on closing drawer or not. | boolean | false |
| forceRender | Prerender Drawer component forcely | boolean | false |
| getContainer | Return the mounted node for Drawer. | HTMLElement \| `() => HTMLElement` \| Selectors \| false | 'body' |
| mask | Whether to show mask or not. | boolean | true |
| maskClosable | Clicking on the mask (area outside the Drawer) to close the Drawer or not. | boolean | true |
| maskStyle | Style for Drawer's mask element. | CSSProperties | {} |
| style | Style of wrapper element which **contains mask** compare to `drawerStyle` | CSSProperties | - |
| drawerStyle | Style of the popup layer element | object | - |
| headerStyle | Style of the drawer header part | object | - |
| bodyStyle | Style of the drawer content part | object | - |
| title | The title for Drawer. | string\|ReactNode | - |
| visible | Whether the Drawer dialog is visible or not. | boolean | false |
| width | Width of the Drawer dialog. | string\|number | 256 |
| height | placement is `top` or `bottom`, height of the Drawer dialog. | string\|number | 256 |
| className | The class name of the container of the Drawer dialog. | string | - |
| zIndex | The `z-index` of the Drawer. | Number | 1000 |
| placement | The placement of the Drawer. | `top` \| `right` \| `bottom` \| `left` | `right` |
| onClose | Specify a callback that will be called when a user clicks mask, close button or Cancel button. | function(e) | - |
| afterVisibleChange | Callback after the animation ends when switching drawers. | function(visible) | - |
| keyboard | Whether support press esc to close | boolean | true |
| footer | The footer for Drawer. | ReactNode | - |
| footerStyle | Style of the drawer footer part. | CSSProperties | - |