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import {
} from "./options";
import { VNode, VNodeData, VNodeChildren, ScopedSlot } from "./vnode";
import { PluginFunction, PluginObject } from "./plugin";
export type CreateElement = {
// empty node
(): VNode;
// element or component name
(tag: string, children: VNodeChildren): VNode;
(tag: string, data?: VNodeData, children?: VNodeChildren): VNode;
// component constructor or options
(tag: Component, children: VNodeChildren): VNode;
(tag: Component, data?: VNodeData, children?: VNodeChildren): VNode;
// async component
(tag: AsyncComponent, children: VNodeChildren): VNode;
(tag: AsyncComponent, data?: VNodeData, children?: VNodeChildren): VNode;
export declare class Vue {
constructor(options?: ComponentOptions<Vue>);
$data: Object;
readonly $el: HTMLElement;
readonly $options: ComponentOptions<this>;
readonly $parent: Vue;
readonly $root: Vue;
readonly $children: Vue[];
readonly $refs: { [key: string]: Vue | Element | Vue[] | Element[]};
readonly $slots: { [key: string]: VNode[] };
readonly $scopedSlots: { [key: string]: ScopedSlot };
readonly $isServer: boolean;
readonly $ssrContext: any;
readonly $props: any;
readonly $vnode: VNode;
readonly $attrs: { [key: string] : string };
readonly $listeners: { [key: string]: Function | Array<Function> };
$mount(elementOrSelector?: Element | String, hydrating?: boolean): this;
$forceUpdate(): void;
$destroy(): void;
$set: typeof Vue.set;
$delete: typeof Vue.delete;
expOrFn: string,
callback: WatchHandler<this, any>,
options?: WatchOptions
): (() => void);
expOrFn: (this: this) => T,
callback: WatchHandler<this, T>,
options?: WatchOptions
): (() => void);
$on(event: string | string[], callback: Function): this;
$once(event: string, callback: Function): this;
$off(event?: string | string[], callback?: Function): this;
$emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): this;
$nextTick(callback: (this: this) => void): void;
$nextTick(): Promise<void>;
$createElement: CreateElement;
static config: {
silent: boolean;
optionMergeStrategies: any;
devtools: boolean;
productionTip: boolean;
performance: boolean;
errorHandler(err: Error, vm: Vue, info: string): void;
warnHandler(msg: string, vm: Vue, trace: string): void;
ignoredElements: string[];
keyCodes: { [key: string]: number };
static extend(options: ComponentOptions<Vue> | FunctionalComponentOptions): typeof Vue;
static nextTick(callback: () => void, context?: any[]): void;
static nextTick(): Promise<void>
static set<T>(object: Object, key: string, value: T): T;
static set<T>(array: T[], key: number, value: T): T;
static delete(object: Object, key: string): void;
static delete<T>(array: T[], key: number): void;
static directive(
id: string,
definition?: DirectiveOptions | DirectiveFunction
): DirectiveOptions;
static filter(id: string, definition?: Function): Function;
static component(id: string, definition?: Component | AsyncComponent): typeof Vue;
static use<T>(plugin: PluginObject<T> | PluginFunction<T>, options?: T): void;
static use(plugin: PluginObject<any> | PluginFunction<any>, ...options: any[]): void;
static mixin(mixin: typeof Vue | ComponentOptions<Vue>): void;
static compile(template: string): {
render(createElement: typeof Vue.prototype.$createElement): VNode;
staticRenderFns: (() => VNode)[];