'use strict'; /* */ var isJS = function (file) { return /\.js(\?[^.]+)?$/.test(file); }; var ref = require('chalk'); var red = ref.red; var yellow = ref.yellow; var webpack = require('webpack'); var prefix = "[vue-server-renderer-webpack-plugin]"; var warn = exports.warn = function (msg) { return console.error(red((prefix + " " + msg + "\n"))); }; var tip = exports.tip = function (msg) { return console.log(yellow((prefix + " " + msg + "\n"))); }; var isWebpack5 = !!(webpack.version && webpack.version[0] > 4); var validate = function (compiler) { if (compiler.options.target !== 'node') { warn('webpack config `target` should be "node".'); } if (compiler.options.output) { if (compiler.options.output.library) { // Webpack >= 5.0.0 if (compiler.options.output.library.type !== 'commonjs2') { warn('webpack config `output.library.type` should be "commonjs2".'); } } else if (compiler.options.output.libraryTarget !== 'commonjs2') { // Webpack < 5.0.0 warn('webpack config `output.libraryTarget` should be "commonjs2".'); } } if (!compiler.options.externals) { tip( 'It is recommended to externalize dependencies in the server build for ' + 'better build performance.' ); } }; var onEmit = function (compiler, name, stageName, hook) { if (isWebpack5) { // Webpack >= 5.0.0 compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(name, function (compilation) { if (compilation.compiler !== compiler) { // Ignore child compilers return } var stage = webpack.Compilation[stageName]; compilation.hooks.processAssets.tapAsync({ name: name, stage: stage }, function (assets, cb) { hook(compilation, cb); }); }); } else if (compiler.hooks) { // Webpack >= 4.0.0 compiler.hooks.emit.tapAsync(name, hook); } else { // Webpack < 4.0.0 compiler.plugin('emit', hook); } }; var getAssetName = function (asset) { if (typeof asset === 'string') { return asset } return asset.name }; var VueSSRServerPlugin = function VueSSRServerPlugin (options) { if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; this.options = Object.assign({ filename: 'vue-ssr-server-bundle.json' }, options); }; VueSSRServerPlugin.prototype.apply = function apply (compiler) { var this$1 = this; validate(compiler); var stage = 'PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_TRANSFER'; onEmit(compiler, 'vue-server-plugin', stage, function (compilation, cb) { var stats = compilation.getStats().toJson(); var entryName = Object.keys(stats.entrypoints)[0]; var entryInfo = stats.entrypoints[entryName]; if (!entryInfo) { // #5553 return cb() } var entryAssets = entryInfo.assets .map(getAssetName) .filter(isJS); if (entryAssets.length > 1) { throw new Error( "Server-side bundle should have one single entry file. " + "Avoid using CommonsChunkPlugin in the server config." ) } var entry = entryAssets[0]; if (!entry || typeof entry !== 'string') { throw new Error( ("Entry \"" + entryName + "\" not found. Did you specify the correct entry option?") ) } var bundle = { entry: entry, files: {}, maps: {} }; Object.keys(compilation.assets).forEach(function (name) { if (isJS(name)) { bundle.files[name] = compilation.assets[name].source(); } else if (name.match(/\.js\.map$/)) { bundle.maps[name.replace(/\.map$/, '')] = JSON.parse(compilation.assets[name].source()); } // do not emit anything else for server delete compilation.assets[name]; }); var json = JSON.stringify(bundle, null, 2); var filename = this$1.options.filename; compilation.assets[filename] = { source: function () { return json; }, size: function () { return json.length; } }; cb(); }); }; module.exports = VueSSRServerPlugin;