import Vue from 'vue' Vue.config.preserveWhitespace = false if (typeof console === 'undefined') { window.console = { error: function () {} } } function hasWarned (msg) { var count = console.error.calls.count() var args while (count--) { args = console.error.calls.argsFor(count) if (args.some(containsMsg)) { return true } } function containsMsg (arg) { if (arg instanceof Error) throw arg return typeof arg === 'string' && arg.indexOf(msg) > -1 } } // define custom matcher for warnings beforeEach(function () { spyOn(console, 'error') jasmine.addMatchers({ toHaveBeenWarned: function () { return { compare: function (msg) { var warned = Array.isArray(msg) ? msg.some(hasWarned) : hasWarned(msg) return { pass: warned, message: warned ? 'Expected message "' + msg + '" not to have been warned' : 'Expected message "' + msg + '" to have been warned' } } } } }) }) // helper for async assertions. // Use like this: // // vm.a = 123 // waitForUpdate(() => { // expect(vm.$el.textContent).toBe('123') // vm.a = 234 // }) // .then(() => { // // more assertions... // done() // }) // .catch(done) window.waitForUpdate = initialCb => { let done const queue = [initialCb] function shift () { const job = queue.shift() let hasError = false try { job() } catch (e) { hasError = true if (done) { } } if (!hasError) { if (queue.length) { Vue.nextTick(shift) } } } Vue.nextTick(shift) const chainer = { then: nextCb => { queue.push(nextCb) return chainer }, catch: doneCb => { done = doneCb return chainer } } return chainer } // require all test files const testsContext = require.context('./', true, /\.spec$/) testsContext.keys().forEach(testsContext)