/*global Vue, todoStorage */ (function (exports) { 'use strict'; var filters = { all: function (todos) { return todos; }, active: function (todos) { return todos.filter(function (todo) { return !todo.completed; }); }, completed: function (todos) { return todos.filter(function (todo) { return todo.completed; }); } }; exports.app = new Vue({ // the root element that will be compiled el: '.todoapp', // app initial state data: { todos: todoStorage.fetch(), newTodo: '', editedTodo: null, visibility: 'all' }, // watch todos change for localStorage persistence watch: { todos: { handler: function (todos) { todoStorage.save(todos); }, deep: true } }, // computed properties // http://vuejs.org/guide/computed.html computed: { filteredTodos: function () { return filters[this.visibility](this.todos); }, remaining: function () { return filters.active(this.todos).length; }, allDone: { get: function () { return this.remaining === 0; }, set: function (value) { this.todos.forEach(function (todo) { todo.completed = value; }); } } }, filters: { pluralize: function (n) { return n === 1 ? 'item' : 'items' } }, // methods that implement data logic. // note there's no DOM manipulation here at all. methods: { addTodo: function () { var value = this.newTodo && this.newTodo.trim(); if (!value) { return; } this.todos.push({ title: value, completed: false }); this.newTodo = ''; }, removeTodo: function (todo) { this.todos.splice(this.todos.indexOf(todo), 1); }, editTodo: function (todo) { this.beforeEditCache = todo.title; this.editedTodo = todo; }, doneEdit: function (todo) { if (!this.editedTodo) { return; } this.editedTodo = null; todo.title = todo.title.trim(); if (!todo.title) { this.removeTodo(todo); } }, cancelEdit: function (todo) { this.editedTodo = null; todo.title = this.beforeEditCache; }, removeCompleted: function () { this.todos = filters.active(this.todos); } }, // a custom directive to wait for the DOM to be updated // before focusing on the input field. // http://vuejs.org/guide/custom-directive.html directives: { 'todo-focus': function (el, value) { if (value) { el.focus(); } } } }); })(window);