'use strict'; /* */ var isJS = function (file) { return /\.js(\?[^.]+)?$/.test(file); }; var isCSS = function (file) { return /\.css(\?[^.]+)?$/.test(file); }; var ref = require('chalk'); var red = ref.red; var yellow = ref.yellow; var prefix = "[vue-server-renderer-webpack-plugin]"; var warn = exports.warn = function (msg) { return console.error(red((prefix + " " + msg + "\n"))); }; var tip = exports.tip = function (msg) { return console.log(yellow((prefix + " " + msg + "\n"))); }; var onEmit = function (compiler, name, hook) { if (compiler.hooks) { // Webpack >= 4.0.0 compiler.hooks.emit.tapAsync(name, hook); } else { // Webpack < 4.0.0 compiler.plugin('emit', hook); } }; var hash = require('hash-sum'); var uniq = require('lodash.uniq'); var VueSSRClientPlugin = function VueSSRClientPlugin (options) { if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; this.options = Object.assign({ filename: 'vue-ssr-client-manifest.json' }, options); }; VueSSRClientPlugin.prototype.apply = function apply (compiler) { var this$1 = this; onEmit(compiler, 'vue-client-plugin', function (compilation, cb) { var stats = compilation.getStats().toJson(); var allFiles = uniq(stats.assets .map(function (a) { return a.name; })); var initialFiles = uniq(Object.keys(stats.entrypoints) .map(function (name) { return stats.entrypoints[name].assets; }) .reduce(function (assets, all) { return all.concat(assets); }, []) .filter(function (file) { return isJS(file) || isCSS(file); })); var asyncFiles = allFiles .filter(function (file) { return isJS(file) || isCSS(file); }) .filter(function (file) { return initialFiles.indexOf(file) < 0; }); var manifest = { publicPath: stats.publicPath, all: allFiles, initial: initialFiles, async: asyncFiles, modules: { /* [identifier: string]: Array */ } }; var assetModules = stats.modules.filter(function (m) { return m.assets.length; }); var fileToIndex = function (file) { return manifest.all.indexOf(file); }; stats.modules.forEach(function (m) { // ignore modules duplicated in multiple chunks if (m.chunks.length === 1) { var cid = m.chunks[0]; var chunk = stats.chunks.find(function (c) { return c.id === cid; }); if (!chunk || !chunk.files) { return } var id = m.identifier.replace(/\s\w+$/, ''); // remove appended hash var files = manifest.modules[hash(id)] = chunk.files.map(fileToIndex); // find all asset modules associated with the same chunk assetModules.forEach(function (m) { if (m.chunks.some(function (id) { return id === cid; })) { files.push.apply(files, m.assets.map(fileToIndex)); } }); } }); var json = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2); compilation.assets[this$1.options.filename] = { source: function () { return json; }, size: function () { return json.length; } }; cb(); }); }; module.exports = VueSSRClientPlugin;