import Vue from 'vue' import injectStyles from './inject-styles' import { isIE9 } from 'web/util/index' import { nextFrame } from 'web/runtime/modules/transition' if (!isIE9) { describe('Transition system', () => { const duration = injectStyles() let el beforeEach(() => { el = document.createElement('div') document.body.appendChild(el) }) it('basic transition', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test v-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test v-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test v-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test v-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('named transition', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('custom transition classes', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true }, transitions: { test: { enterClass: 'hello', enterActiveClass: 'hello-active', leaveClass: 'bye', leaveActiveClass: 'bye active' // testing multi classes } } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test bye') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test bye active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test hello') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test hello-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('dynamic transition', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true, trans: 'test' } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) vm.ok = true vm.trans = 'changed' }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test changed-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test changed-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('inline transition object', done => { const onEnter = jasmine.createSpy('enter') const onLeave = jasmine.createSpy('leave') const vm = new Vue({ template: `
`, data: { ok: true }, transitions: { inline: { onEnter, onLeave } } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test bye') expect(onLeave).toHaveBeenCalled() }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test bye active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test hello') expect(onEnter).toHaveBeenCalled() }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test hello-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('transition with JavaScript hooks', done => { const beforeLeaveSpy = jasmine.createSpy('beforeLeave') const beforeEnterSpy = jasmine.createSpy('beforeEnter') const hooks = { beforeLeave: el => { expect(el).toBe(vm.$el.children[0]) expect(el.className).toBe('test') beforeLeaveSpy() }, onLeave: jasmine.createSpy('leave'), afterLeave: jasmine.createSpy('afterLeave'), beforeEnter: el => { expect(vm.$el.contains(el)).toBe(false) expect(el.className).toBe('test') beforeEnterSpy() }, onEnter: jasmine.createSpy('enter'), afterEnter: jasmine.createSpy('afterEnter') } const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true }, transitions: { test: hooks } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(beforeLeaveSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(hooks.onLeave).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(hooks.afterLeave).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(hooks.afterLeave).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(beforeEnterSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(hooks.onEnter).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(hooks.afterEnter).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(hooks.afterEnter).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('explicit user callback in JavaScript hooks', done => { let next const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true }, transitions: { test: { onEnter: (el, cb) => { next = cb }, onLeave: (el, cb) => { next = cb } } } }).$mount(el) vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave-active') expect(next).toBeTruthy() next() expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) }).then(() => { vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter-active') expect(next).toBeTruthy() next() expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('css: false', done => { const enterSpy = jasmine.createSpy('enter') const leaveSpy = jasmine.createSpy('leave') const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true }, transitions: { test: { css: false, onEnter: enterSpy, onLeave: leaveSpy } } }).$mount(el) vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(leaveSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('') vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(enterSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') }).then(done) }) it('no transition detected', done => { const enterSpy = jasmine.createSpy('enter') const leaveSpy = jasmine.createSpy('leave') const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true }, transitions: { nope: { onEnter: enterSpy, onLeave: leaveSpy } } }).$mount(el) vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(leaveSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('') vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(enterSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toMatch(/foo<\/div>/) }).then(done) }) it('enterCancelled', done => { const spy = jasmine.createSpy('enterCancelled') const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: false }, transitions: { test: { enterCancelled: spy } } }).$mount(el) expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('') vm.ok = true waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter') }).thenWaitFor(duration / 2).then(() => { vm.ok = false }).then(() => { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) }).then(done) }) it('transition with v-show', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.textContent).toBe('foo') expect(vm.$el.children[0].style.display).toBe('') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].style.display).toBe('none') vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].style.display).toBe('') expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('leaveCancelled (v-show only)', done => { const spy = jasmine.createSpy('leaveCancelled') const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true }, transitions: { test: { leaveCancelled: spy } } }).$mount(el) expect(vm.$el.children[0].style.display).toBe('') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration / 2).then(() => { vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].style.display).toBe('') }).then(done) }) it('animations', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-anim-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-anim-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-anim-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-anim-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('transition on appear', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: `
`, data: { ok: true } }).$mount(el) waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-appear') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-appear-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('transition on appear with v-show', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: `
`, data: { ok: true } }).$mount(el) waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test test-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('transition on SVG elements', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: '', data: { ok: true } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.childNodes[0].getAttribute('class')).toBe('test') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.childNodes[0].getAttribute('class')).toBe('test v-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.childNodes[0].getAttribute('class')).toBe('test v-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.childNodes.length).toBe(0) vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.childNodes[0].getAttribute('class')).toBe('test v-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.childNodes[0].getAttribute('class')).toBe('test v-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.childNodes[0].getAttribute('class')).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) it('transition on child components', done => { const vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data: { ok: true }, components: { test: { template: '
' // test transition override from parent } } }).$mount(el) // should not apply transition on initial render by default expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBe('
') vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test v-leave') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test v-leave-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children.length).toBe(0) vm.ok = true }).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test v-enter') }).thenWaitFor(nextFrame).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test v-enter-active') }).thenWaitFor(duration + 10).then(() => { expect(vm.$el.children[0].className).toBe('test') }).then(done) }) }) }