import Vue from 'vue' describe('Directive v-on', () => { let vm, spy, spy2, el beforeEach(() => { spy = jasmine.createSpy() spy2 = jasmine.createSpy() el = document.createElement('div') document.body.appendChild(el) }) afterEach(() => { document.body.removeChild(vm.$el) }) it('should bind event to a method', () => { vm = new Vue({ el, template: '
', methods: { foo: spy } }) triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'click') expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1) const args = spy.calls.allArgs() const event = args[0] && args[0][0] || {} expect(event.type).toBe('click') }) it('should bind event to a inline method', () => { vm = new Vue({ el, template: '
', methods: { foo: spy } }) triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'click') expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1) const args = spy.calls.allArgs() const firstArgs = args[0] expect(firstArgs.length).toBe(4) expect(firstArgs[0]).toBe(1) expect(firstArgs[1]).toBe(2) expect(firstArgs[2]).toBe(3) expect(firstArgs[3].type).toBe('click') }) it('should support shorthand', () => { vm = new Vue({ el, template: '', methods: { foo: spy } }) triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'click') expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1) }) it('should support stop propagation', () => { vm = new Vue({ el, template: `
`, methods: { foo: spy } }) const hash = window.location.hash triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'click') expect(window.location.hash).toBe(hash) }) it('should support prevent default', () => { vm = new Vue({ el, template: `
`, methods: { foo: spy, bar: spy2 } }) triggerEvent(vm.$el.firstChild, 'click') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy2).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should support capture', () => { const callOrder = [] vm = new Vue({ el, template: `
`, methods: { foo () { callOrder.push(1) }, bar () { callOrder.push(2) } } }) triggerEvent(vm.$el.firstChild, 'click') expect(callOrder.toString()).toBe('1,2') }) it('should support keyCode', () => { vm = new Vue({ el, template: ``, methods: { foo: spy } }) triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'keyup', e => { e.keyCode = 13 }) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should support number keyCode', () => { vm = new Vue({ el, template: ``, methods: { foo: spy } }) triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'keyup', e => { e.keyCode = 13 }) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should support custom keyCode', () => { Vue.config.keyCodes.test = 1 vm = new Vue({ el, template: ``, methods: { foo: spy } }) triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'keyup', e => { e.keyCode = 1 }) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should bind to a child component', () => { Vue.component('bar', { template: 'Hello' }) vm = new Vue({ el, template: '', methods: { foo: spy } }) vm.$children[0].$emit('custom', 'foo', 'bar') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo', 'bar') }) it('should be able to bind native events for a child component', () => { Vue.component('bar', { template: 'Hello' }) vm = new Vue({ el, template: '', methods: { foo: spy } }) vm.$children[0].$emit('click') expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() triggerEvent(vm.$children[0].$el, 'click') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('remove listener', done => { const spy2 = jasmine.createSpy('remove listener') vm = new Vue({ el, methods: { foo: spy, bar: spy2 }, data: { ok: true }, render (h) { return this.ok ? h('input', { on: { click: }}) : h('input', { on: { input: }}) } }) triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'click') expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1) expect(spy2.calls.count()).toBe(0) vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'click') expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1) // should no longer trigger triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'input') expect(spy2.calls.count()).toBe(1) }).then(done) }) it('remove listener on child component', done => { const spy2 = jasmine.createSpy('remove listener') vm = new Vue({ el, methods: { foo: spy, bar: spy2 }, data: { ok: true }, components: { test: { template: '
' } }, render (h) { return this.ok ? h('test', { on: { foo: }}) : h('test', { on: { bar: }}) } }) vm.$children[0].$emit('foo') expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1) expect(spy2.calls.count()).toBe(0) vm.ok = false waitForUpdate(() => { vm.$children[0].$emit('foo') expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1) // should no longer trigger vm.$children[0].$emit('bar') expect(spy2.calls.count()).toBe(1) }).then(done) }) it('warn missing handlers', () => { vm = new Vue({ el, data: { none: null }, template: `
` }) expect(`Handler for event "click" is undefined`).toHaveBeenWarned() expect(() => { triggerEvent(vm.$el, 'click') }).not.toThrow() }) })