import Vue from 'vue' function checkPrefixedProp (prop) { var el = document.createElement('div') var upper = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1) if (!(prop in { var prefixes = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms'] var i = prefixes.length while (i--) { if ((prefixes[i] + upper) in { prop = prefixes[i] + upper } } } return prop } describe('Directive v-bind:style', () => { let vm beforeEach(() => { vm = new Vue({ template: '
', data () { return { styles: {}, fontSize: 16 } } }).$mount() }) it('plain object', done => { vm.styles = { color: 'red' } waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$\s/g, '')).toBe('color:red;') }).then(done) }) it('camelCase', done => { vm.styles = { marginRight: '10px' } waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$'10px') }).then(done) }) it('remove if falsy value', done => { vm.$ = 'red' waitForUpdate(() => { vm.styles = { color: null } }).then(() => { expect(vm.$'') }).then(done) }) it('ignore unsupported property', done => { vm.styles = { foo: 'bar' } waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$'bar') }).then(done) }) it('auto prefix', done => { const prop = checkPrefixedProp('transform') const val = 'scale(0.5)' vm.styles = { transform: val } waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$[prop]).toBe(val) }).then(done) }) it('object with multiple entries', done => { vm.$ = 'red' vm.styles = { marginLeft: '10px', marginRight: '15px' } waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$'color')).toBe('red') expect(vm.$'margin-left')).toBe('10px') expect(vm.$'margin-right')).toBe('15px') vm.styles = { color: 'blue', padding: null } }).then(() => { expect(vm.$'color')).toBe('blue') expect(vm.$'padding')).toBeFalsy() expect(vm.$'margin-left')).toBeFalsy() expect(vm.$'margin-right')).toBeFalsy() // handle falsy value vm.styles = null }).then(() => { expect(vm.$'color')).toBeFalsy() expect(vm.$'padding')).toBeFalsy() expect(vm.$'margin-left')).toBeFalsy() expect(vm.$'margin-right')).toBeFalsy() }).then(done) }) it('array of objects', done => { vm.$ = '10px' vm.styles = [{ color: 'red' }, { marginRight: '20px' }] waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$'color')).toBe('red') expect(vm.$'margin-right')).toBe('20px') expect(vm.$'padding')).toBe('10px') vm.styles = [{ color: 'blue' }, { padding: null }] }).then(() => { expect(vm.$'color')).toBe('blue') expect(vm.$'margin-right')).toBeFalsy() expect(vm.$'padding')).toBeFalsy() }).then(done) }) it('updates objects deeply', done => { vm.styles = { display: 'none' } waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$'none') vm.styles.display = 'block' }).then(() => { expect(vm.$'block') }).then(done) }) it('background size with only one value', done => { vm.styles = { backgroundSize: '100%' } waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$\s/g, '')).toMatch(/background-size:100%(auto)?;/) }).then(done) }) it('should work with interpolation', done => { vm.styles = { fontSize: `${vm.fontSize}px` } waitForUpdate(() => { expect(vm.$'16px') }).then(done) }) })