* feat($compiler): support to generate @render function for weex recycle-list
Compile the template twice with different options for weex platform if
the “recyclable” flag is passed. Generate both normal render function
and “@render” function for recycle-list.
Adjust function names and arguments in recycle-list compiler.
* test(weex): add test cases for <recycle-list>
* refactor(compiler): move postTransforms to after children are processed
* feat(weex): recycle-list support WIP
* refactor: fix types
* feat(weex): split text into separate module
* feat($compiler): supports compiling v-bind to the weex native directive in recycle-list
* feat(compile): supports compiling v-if to the weex native directive
* feat($compiler): supports compiling v-for to the weex native directive
* feat($compiler): compile weex native directives in preTransformNode
* feat($compiler): supports compiling v-else-if and v-else to the weex native directive
* feat($event): support binding parameters on event handler within weex recycle-list
* refactor: mark weex-specific block
* feat(wip): recycle list template inline expand
* build: add weex factory dev script
* feat($compiler): support to compile "v-on" into weex native directive
* feat($compiler): adjust handler params to fit the weex native renderer
+ Filter the non-expression params and the `$event`.
+ Use `$event` as the last argument of handler.
This fixes a double escaping of attribute values in the SSR optimizing
compiler by unescaping the value in `genAttrSegment` because literal
attribute values get escaped early during `processAttrs` before it is
known, if this attribute will be optimized to an _ssrNode string template,
which is escaped as well, causing the double escape.