You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using OrmTest.Models;
using SqlSugar;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace OrmTest.UnitTest
public class Mapping : UnitTestBase
private Mapping() { }
public Mapping(int eachCount)
this.Count = eachCount;
public void Init()
var db = GetInstance();
var t1 = db.Queryable<Student>().Where(it => it.Id == 1).ToSql();
base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent] WHERE ( [ID] = @Id0 ) ", null, t1.Key, null, "Mapping t1 error");
db.MappingColumns.Add("Id", "id", "School");
var t2 = db.Queryable<Student, School>((st, sc) => new object[] {
.Where(st => st.Id == 1)
.Where((st, sc) => sc.Id == 1)
.Where((st, sc) => sc.Id == st.Id)
.GroupBy(st => st.Id)
.GroupBy((st, sc) => sc.Id).OrderBy(st => st.Id, OrderByType.Asc)
.Select((st, sc) => new { stid = st.Id, scid = sc.Id }).ToSql();
base.Check(@"SELECT [st].[ID] AS [stid] , [sc].[id] AS [scid] FROM [STudent] st Left JOIN [School] sc ON ( [st].[SchoolId] = [sc].[id] ) WHERE ( [st].[ID] = @Id0 ) AND ( [sc].[id] = @Id1 ) AND ( [sc].[id] = [st].[ID] )GROUP BY [st].[ID],[sc].[id] ORDER BY [st].[ID] ASC ",
null, t2.Key, null, " Mapping t2 error");
var x2 = GetInstance();
var q = x2.Queryable<Student>().AS("t");
var t3 = q.ToSql();
var t4 = q.ToSql();
base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [t] ", null, t3.Key, null, "Mapping t3 error");
base.Check("SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [t] ", null, t4.Key, null, "Mapping t3 error");
var x3 = GetInstance2();
x3.MappingTables.Add("Student", "studenT");
int count = 0;
var t5 = x3.Queryable<Student>().ToPageList(1,2,ref count);
public new SqlSugarClient GetInstance()
SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() { InitKeyType = InitKeyType.Attribute, ConnectionString = Config.ConnectionString, DbType = DbType.SqlServer, IsAutoCloseConnection = true });
return db;
public SqlSugarClient GetInstance2()
SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() { InitKeyType = InitKeyType.Attribute, ConnectionString = Config.ConnectionString, DbType = DbType.SqlServer, IsAutoCloseConnection = true });
db.Ado.IsEnableLogEvent = true;
db.Ado.LogEventStarting = (sql, pars) =>
Console.WriteLine(sql + "\r\n" + db.Utilities.SerializeObject(pars));
return db;