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## SqlSugar SqlSugar ORM is a library providing Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) support to applications, libraries, and frameworks. Using SqlSugar is very simple , And it's powerful. - Support Support CodeFirst data migration. - Support Join query 、 Union all 、 Subquery - Support Configure the query - Support DbFirst import entity class from database, or use Generation Tool. - Support one-to-many and many-to-many navigation properties - Support MySql、SqlServer、Sqlite、Oracle 、 postgresql 、达梦、人大金仓 、神通数据库 ## Join query Super simple query syntax ```cs var query5 = db.Queryable() .LeftJoin ((o, cus) => o.CustomId == cus.Id) .LeftJoin ((o, cus, oritem ) => o.Id == oritem.OrderId) .LeftJoin ((o, cus, oritem , oritem2) => o.Id == oritem2.OrderId) .Where(o => o.Id == 1) .Select((o, cus) => new ViewOrder { Id = o.Id, CustomName = cus.Name }) .ToList(); ``` ```sql SELECT [o].[Id] AS [Id], [cus].[Name] AS [CustomName] FROM [Order] o Left JOIN [Custom] cus ON ([o].[CustomId] = [cus].[Id]) Left JOIN [OrderDetail] oritem ON ([o].[Id] = [oritem].[OrderId]) Left JOIN [OrderDetail] oritem2 ON ([o].[Id] = [oritem2].[OrderId]) WHERE ([o].[Id] = @Id0) ```