using SqlSugar; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace OrmTest { public class Demo2_Updateable { public static void Init() { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("#### Updateable Start ####"); SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() { DbType = DbType.QuestDB, ConnectionString = Config.ConnectionString, InitKeyType = InitKeyType.Attribute, IsAutoCloseConnection = true, AopEvents = new AopEvents { OnLogExecuting = (sql, p) => { Console.WriteLine(sql); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", p?.Select(it => it.ParameterName + ":" + it.Value))); } } }); /*** 1.entity or List ***/ var updateObj = new Order() { Id = 1, Name = "order1" }; var updateObjs = new List { new Order() { Id = 11, Name = "order11",CreateTime=DateTime.Now }, new Order() { Id = 12, Name = "order12" ,CreateTime=DateTime.Now} }; //update all columns by primary key var result = db.Updateable(updateObj).ExecuteCommand();//update single var result2 = db.Updateable(updateObjs).ExecuteCommand();//update List //Ignore Name and Price var result3 = db.Updateable(updateObj).IgnoreColumns(it => new { it.CreateTime, it.Price }).ExecuteCommand(); //only update Name and CreateTime var result4 = db.Updateable(updateObj).UpdateColumns(it => new { it.Name, it.CreateTime }).ExecuteCommand(); //If there is no primary key var result5 = db.Updateable(updateObj).WhereColumns(it => new { it.Id }).ExecuteCommand();//update single by id var result6 = db.Updateable(updateObjs).WhereColumns(it => new { it.Id }).ExecuteCommand();//update List by id /*** expression ***/ //update name,createtime var result7 = db.Updateable(it => new Order() { Name = "a", CreateTime = DateTime.Now }).Where(it => it.Id == 11).ExecuteCommand(); var result71 = db.Updateable().SetColumns(it => new Order() { Name = "a", CreateTime = DateTime.Now }).Where(it => it.Id == 11).ExecuteCommand(); //only update name var result8 = db.Updateable(it => it.Name == "Name").Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand(); var result81 = db.Updateable() .SetColumns(it => it.Name == "Name" ) .SetColumns(it => it.CreateTime == DateTime.Now) .Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand(); // /*** Dictionary ***/ var dt = new Dictionary(); dt.Add("id", 1); dt.Add("name", "abc"); dt.Add("createTime", DateTime.Now); var dtList = new List>(); dtList.Add(dt); var t66 = db.Updateable(dt).AS("order_1").WhereColumns("id").ExecuteCommand(); var t666 = db.Updateable(dtList).AS("order_1").WhereColumns("id").ExecuteCommand(); /*** 4.Other instructions ***/ var caseValue = "1"; //Do not update NULL columns db.Updateable(updateObj).IgnoreColumns(ignoreAllNullColumns: true).ExecuteCommand(); //if 1 update name else if 2 update name,createtime db.Updateable(updateObj) .UpdateColumnsIF(caseValue == "1", it => new { it.Name }) .UpdateColumnsIF(caseValue == "2", it => new { it.Name, it.CreateTime }) .ExecuteCommand(); //Use Lock db.Updateable(updateObj).With(SqlWith.UpdLock).ExecuteCommand(); //Where Sql //db.Updateable(updateObj).Where("id=@x", new { x = 1 }).ExecuteCommand(); Console.WriteLine("#### Updateable End ####"); } } }