@ -1,374 +1,47 @@ |
## 👨🎓果糖大数据科技(南通)有限公司(永久免费开源) ## |
公司地址:南通太阳晶城大厦3幢125室 |
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| ---------| ---------| ---------| ---------| |
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服务项目:接收项目外包等服务(高级程序员 & 需求分析 & 软件架构师),技术咨询,技术顾问 |
## 👮♀️中文文档: |
世界上最简单的ORM,只需要配置连接字符串,F5运行控制台自动建库建表运行DEMO |
<font color=#0099ff size=72> 地址:</font> http://donet5.com/Home/Doc |
# 🕵️♀️English documents |
Using SqlSugar is very simple , And it's powerful. |
SqlSugar=One object+One parameter=16 functions, |
Support:MySql、SqlServer、Sqlite、Oracle 、 postgresql 、达梦、人大金仓 、神通数据库 |
## 📮Nuget |
|.net |.net core | |
|---------| ---------| |
|Install-Package sqlSugar |Install-Package sqlSugarCore| |
## 📑SqlSugar's 16 Functions |
There are 16 methods under SqlSugarClient |
![输入图片说明](http://www.donet5.com/_theme/ueditor/utf8-net/net/upload/image/20190430/6369224056499802674782957.jpg?id=111 "sqlsugar") |
## 🎀 Create SqlSugarClient |
All operations are based on SqlSugarClient |
SqlSugarClient parameter and only one ConnectionConfig |
```cs |
public List<Student> GetStudentList() |
{ |
var db = GetInstance(); |
var list = db.Queryable<Student>().ToList();//Search |
return list; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Create SqlSugarClient |
/// </summary> |
/// <returns></returns> |
private SqlSugarClient GetInstance() |
{ |
SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() |
{ |
ConnectionString = "Server=.xxxxx", |
DbType = DbType.SqlServer, |
IsAutoCloseConnection = true, |
InitKeyType = InitKeyType.Attribute |
}); |
//Print sql |
db.Aop.OnLogExecuting = (sql, pars) => |
{ |
Console.WriteLine(sql + "\r\n" + db.Utilities.SerializeObject(pars.ToDictionary(it => it.ParameterName, it => it.Value))); |
Console.WriteLine(); |
}; |
return db; |
} |
public class Student |
{ |
[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)] |
public int Id { get; set; } |
public int? SchoolId { get; set; } |
public string Name { get; set; } |
} |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/0.SqlSugarClient) |
## 🎉 1. Queryable |
We use it to query |
![输入图片说明](http://www.donet5.com/_theme/ueditor/utf8-net/net/upload/image/20190502/6369240932997363035197459.png?id=1112 "Queryable") |
Here are some examples |
```cs |
//easy |
var getAll = db.Queryable<Student>().ToList(); |
var getAllNoLock = db.Queryable<Student>().With(SqlWith.NoLock).ToList(); |
var getByPrimaryKey = db.Queryable<Student>().InSingle(2); |
var sum = db.Queryable<Student>().Sum(it => it.Id); |
var isAny = db.Queryable<Student>().Where(it => it.Id == -1).Any(); |
var isAny2 = db.Queryable<Student>().Any(it => it.Id == -1); |
var getListByRename = db.Queryable<School>().AS("Student").ToList(); |
var getByWhere = db.Queryable<Student>().Where(it => it.Id == 1 || it.Name == "a").ToList(); |
var getByFuns = db.Queryable<Student>().Where(it => SqlFunc.IsNullOrEmpty(it.Name)).ToList(); |
var group = db.Queryable<Student>().GroupBy(it => it.Id).Select(it => new { id = SqlFunc.AggregateCount(it.Id) }).ToList(); |
//Page |
var page = db.Queryable<Student>().ToPageList(pageIndex, pageSize, ref totalCount); |
//page join |
var pageJoin = db.Queryable<Student, School>((st, sc) => new JoinQueryInfos(JoinType.Left, st.SchoolId == sc.Id)) |
.ToPageList(pageIndex, pageSize, ref totalCount); |
//top 5 |
var top5 = db.Queryable<Student>().Take(5).ToList(); |
//join Order By (order by st.id desc,sc.id desc) |
var list4 = db.Queryable<Student, School>((st, sc) => new JoinQueryInfos(JoinType.Left, st.SchoolId == sc.Id)) |
.OrderBy(st => st.Id, OrderByType.Desc) |
.OrderBy((st, sc) => sc.Id, OrderByType.Desc) |
.Select<ViewModelStudent>().ToList(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/1.Queryable) |
## 🎊 2. Updateable |
We use it to Update |
```cs |
//update reutrn Update Count |
var t1= db.Updateable(updateObj).ExecuteCommand(); |
//Only update Name |
var t3 = db.Updateable(updateObj).UpdateColumns(it => new { it.Name }).ExecuteCommand(); |
//Ignore Name and TestId |
var t4 = db.Updateable(updateObj).IgnoreColumns(it => new { it.Name, it.TestId }).ExecuteCommand(); |
//update List<T> |
var t7 = db.Updateable(updateObjs).ExecuteCommand(); |
//Where By Expression |
var t9 = db.Updateable(it => new class() { name = "a",createtime = p }).Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/2.Updateable) |
## 🎃 3. Insertable |
We use it to Insert |
```cs |
//Insert reutrn Insert Count |
var t2 = db.Insertable(insertObj).ExecuteCommand(); |
//Insert reutrn Identity Value |
var t3 = db.Insertable(insertObj).ExecuteReutrnIdentity(); |
//Only insert Name |
var t4 = db.Insertable(insertObj).InsertColumns(it => new { it.Name, it.SchoolId }).ExecuteReutrnIdentity(); |
//Ignore TestId |
var t5 = db.Insertable(insertObj).IgnoreColumns(it => new { it.Name, it.TestId }).ExecuteReutrnIdentity(); |
//Insert List<T> |
var s9 = db.Insertable(insertObjs).InsertColumns(it => new { it.Name }).ExecuteCommand(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/3.Insertable) |
## 🎄 4. Deleteable |
We use it to Delete |
```cs |
//by entity |
db.Deleteable<Student>().Where(new Student() { Id = 1 }).ExecuteCommand(); |
//by primary key |
db.Deleteable<Student>().In(1).ExecuteCommand(); |
//by primary key array |
db.Deleteable<Student>().In(new int[] { 1, 2 }).ExecuteCommand(); |
//by expression |
db.Deleteable<Student>().Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/4.Deleteable ) |
## 🎋 5. SqlQueryable |
```cs |
var list = db.SqlQueryable<Student>("select * from student").ToPageList(1, 2); |
var list2 = db.SqlQueryable<Student>("select * from student").Where(it => it.Id == 1).ToPageList(1, 2); |
var list3 = db.SqlQueryable<Student>("select * from student").Where("id=@id", new { id = 1 }).ToPageList(1, 2); |
<h1 align="center">🍬SqlSugar </h1> |
<div align="center" > |
SqlSugar ORM is a library providing Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) support to applications, libraries, and frameworks. |
<p align="center"> |
<span>English</span> | |
<a href="https://www.donet5.com/Home/Doc">中文</a> |
</p> |
</div> |
- Support Support CodeFirst data migration. |
- Support Join query 、 Union all 、 Subquery |
- Support Configure the query |
- Support DbFirst import entity class from database, or use Generation Tool. |
- Support one-to-many and many-to-many navigation properties |
- Support MySql、SqlServer、Sqlite、Oracle 、 postgresql 、达梦、人大金仓 、神通数据库 |
## Join query |
Super simple query syntax |
```cs |
var query5 = db.Queryable<Order>() |
.LeftJoin<Custom> ((o, cus) => o.CustomId == cus.Id) |
.LeftJoin<OrderItem> ((o, cus, oritem ) => o.Id == oritem.OrderId) |
.LeftJoin<OrderItem> ((o, cus, oritem , oritem2) => o.Id == oritem2.OrderId) |
.Where(o => o.Id == 1) |
.Select((o, cus) => new ViewOrder { Id = o.Id, CustomName = cus.Name }) |
.ToList(); |
``` |
```sql |
[o].[Id] AS [Id], |
[cus].[Name] AS [CustomName] |
[Order] o |
Left JOIN [Custom] cus ON ([o].[CustomId] = [cus].[Id]) |
Left JOIN [OrderDetail] oritem ON ([o].[Id] = [oritem].[OrderId]) |
Left JOIN [OrderDetail] oritem2 ON ([o].[Id] = [oritem2].[OrderId]) |
([o].[Id] = @Id0) |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/5.SqlQueryable ) |
## 🎎 6. SaveQueues |
Perform multiple operations together with transactions |
```cs |
var db = GetInstance(); |
db.Insertable<Student>(new Student() { Name = "a" }).AddQueue(); |
db.Insertable<Student>(new Student() { Name = "b" }).AddQueue(); |
db.SaveQueues(); |
db.Insertable<Student>(new Student() { Name = "a" }).AddQueue(); |
db.Insertable<Student>(new Student() { Name = "b" }).AddQueue(); |
db.Insertable<Student>(new Student() { Name = "c" }).AddQueue(); |
db.Insertable<Student>(new Student() { Name = "d" }).AddQueue(); |
var ar = db.SaveQueuesAsync(); |
db.Queryable<Student>().AddQueue(); |
db.Queryable<School>().AddQueue(); |
db.AddQueue("select * from student where id=@id", new { id = 1 }); |
var result2 = db.SaveQueues<Student, School, Student>(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/6.queue ) |
## 🎫 7.Ado |
db.Ado.MethodName,Look at the following example |
```cs |
var dt=db.Ado.GetDataTable("select * from table where id=@id and name=@name",new List<SugarParameter>(){ |
new SugarParameter("@id",1), |
new SugarParameter("@name",2) |
}); |
var dt = db.Ado.GetDataTable("select * from table where id=@id and name=@name", new { id = 1, name = 2 }); |
//Use Stored Procedure |
var dt2 = db.Ado.UseStoredProcedure().GetDataTable("sp_school", new { name = "张三", age = 0 });// GetInt SqlQuery<T> 等等都可以用 |
var nameP = new SugarParameter("@name", "张三"); |
var ageP = new SugarParameter("@age", null, true);//isOutput=true |
var dt2 = db.Ado.UseStoredProcedure().GetDataTable("sp_school", nameP, ageP); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/7.ado ) |
## 🧶 8.Saveable |
Insert or Update |
```cs |
db.Saveable<Student>(entity).ExecuteReturnEntity(); |
db.Saveable<Student>(new Student() { Name = "" }) |
.InsertColumns(it => it.Name) |
.UpdateColumns(it => new { it.Name, it.CreateTime } |
.ExecuteReturnEntity(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/8.saveable ) |
## 🛒 9.EntityMain |
```cs |
var entityInfo=db.EntityMaintenance.GetEntityInfo<Student>(); |
foreach (var column in entityInfo.Columns) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine(column.ColumnDescription); |
} |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/9.entityMain ) |
## 🥼 10.DbMain |
```cs |
var tables = db.DbMaintenance.GetTableInfoList(); |
foreach (var table in tables) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine(table.Description); |
} |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/a.DbMain ) |
## 🦺 11.Aop |
```cs |
db.Aop.OnLogExecuted = (sql, pars) => //SQL executed event |
{ |
}; |
db.Aop.OnLogExecuting = (sql, pars) => //SQL executing event (pre-execution) |
{ |
}; |
db.Aop.OnError = (exp) =>//SQL execution error event |
{ |
}; |
db.Aop.OnExecutingChangeSql = (sql, pars) => //SQL executing event (pre-execution,SQL script can be modified) |
{ |
return new KeyValuePair<string, SugarParameter[]>(sql, pars); |
}; |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/b.aop ) |
## 🎁 12.QueryFilter |
```cs |
//gobal filter |
var db = GetInstance(); |
var sql = db.Queryable<Student>().ToSql(); |
//SELECT [ID],[SchoolId],[Name],[CreateTime] FROM [STudent] WHERE isDelete=0 |
public static SqlSugarClient GetInstance() |
{ |
SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() { xxx); |
db.QueryFilter.Add(new SqlFilterItem() |
{ |
FilterValue = filterDb => |
{ |
return new SqlFilterResult() { Sql = " isDelete=0" }; |
} |
}); |
return db; |
} |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/c.GobalFilter ) |
## 🍔 13.DbFirst |
```cs |
var db = GetInstance(); |
//Create all class |
db.DbFirst.CreateClassFile("c:\\Demo\\1"); |
//Create student calsss |
db.DbFirst.Where("Student").CreateClassFile("c:\\Demo\\2"); |
//Where(array) |
//Mapping name |
db.MappingTables.Add("ClassStudent", "Student"); |
db.MappingColumns.Add("NewId", "Id", "ClassStudent"); |
db.DbFirst.Where("Student").CreateClassFile("c:\\Demo\\3"); |
//Remove mapping |
db.MappingTables.Clear(); |
//Create class with default value |
db.DbFirst.IsCreateDefaultValue().CreateClassFile("c:\\Demo\\4", "Demo.Models"); |
//Mapping and Attribute |
db.MappingTables.Add("ClassStudent", "Student"); |
db.MappingColumns.Add("NewId", "Id", "ClassStudent"); |
db.DbFirst.IsCreateAttribute().Where("Student").CreateClassFile("c:\\Demo\\5"); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/d.DbFirst ) |
## 🥙 14.CodeFirst |
```cs |
db.CodeFirst.SetStringDefaultLength(100).BackupTable().InitTables(typeof(CodeTable), typeof(CodeTable2)); //change entity backupTable |
db.CodeFirst.SetStringDefaultLength(100).InitTables(typeof(CodeTable), typeof(CodeTable2)); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/e.CodeFirst ) |
## 🧈1 5.Utilities |
```cs |
var list = db.Utilities.DataTableToList(datatable); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/f.Utilities ) |
## 🥫 16.SimpleClient |
```cs |
var db = GetInstance(); |
var sdb = db.GetSimpleClient<Student>(); |
sdb.GetById(1); |
sdb.GetList(); |
sdb.DeleteById(1); |
sdb.Update(obj); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/g.SimpleClient ) |
## 🕹 Code generator |
https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SoEasyPlatform |