@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ var t4 = db.Updateable(updateObj).IgnoreColumns(it => new { it.Name, it.TestId } |
var t7 = db.Updateable(updateObjs).ExecuteCommand(); |
//Where By Expression |
var t9 = db.Updateable(updateObj).Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand(); |
var t9 = db.Updateable(it=>new class() { name="a",createtime=p }).Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/2.Updateable) |
@ -155,21 +155,20 @@ var s9 = db.Insertable(insertObjs).InsertColumns(it => new { it.Name }).ExecuteC |
We use it to Delete |
```cs |
var t1 = db.Deleteable<Student>().Where(new Student() { Id = 1 }).ExecuteCommand(); |
//use lock |
var t2 = db.Deleteable<Student>().With(SqlWith.RowLock).ExecuteCommand(); |
//by entity |
db.Deleteable<Student>().Where(new Student() { Id = 1 }).ExecuteCommand(); |
//by primary key |
var t3 = db.Deleteable<Student>().In(1).ExecuteCommand(); |
db.Deleteable<Student>().In(1).ExecuteCommand(); |
//by primary key array |
var t4 = db.Deleteable<Student>().In(new int[] { 1, 2 }).ExecuteCommand(); |
db.Deleteable<Student>().In(new int[] { 1, 2 }).ExecuteCommand(); |
//by expression |
var t5 = db.Deleteable<Student>().Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand(); |
db.Deleteable<Student>().Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/4.Deleteable ) |
## 5. SqlQueryable |
@ -178,6 +177,7 @@ var list = db.SqlQueryable<Student>("select * from student").ToPageList(1, 2); |
var list2 = db.SqlQueryable<Student>("select * from student").Where(it=>it.Id==1).ToPageList(1, 2); |
var list3= db.SqlQueryable<Student>("select * from student").Where("id=@id",new { id=1}).ToPageList(1, 2); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/5.SqlQueryable ) |
## 6. SaveQueues |
Perform multiple operations together with transactions |
@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ db.Queryable<School>().AddQueue(); |
db.AddQueue("select * from student where id=@id", new { id = 1 }); |
var result2 = db.SaveQueues<Student, School, Student>(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/6.queue ) |
## 7.Ado |
db.Ado.MethodName,Look at the following example |
@ -214,6 +216,7 @@ var nameP= new SugarParameter("@name", "张三"); |
var ageP= new SugarParameter("@age", null, true);//isOutput=true |
var dt2 = db.Ado.UseStoredProcedure().GetDataTable("sp_school",nameP,ageP); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/7.ado ) |
## 8.Saveable |
Insert or Update |
@ -225,6 +228,7 @@ db.Saveable<Student>(new Student() { Name = "" }) |
.ExecuteReturnEntity(); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/8.saveable ) |
## 9.EntityMain |
```cs |
@ -234,6 +238,8 @@ foreach (var column in entityInfo.Columns) |
Console.WriteLine(column.ColumnDescription); |
} |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/9.entityMain ) |
## 10.DbMain |
```cs |
var tables = db.DbMaintenance.GetTableInfoList(); |
@ -242,6 +248,7 @@ foreach (var column in entityInfo.Columns) |
Console.WriteLine(table.Description); |
} |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/a.DbMain ) |
## 11.Aop |
@ -264,6 +271,7 @@ db.Aop.OnExecutingChangeSql = (sql, pars) => //SQL executing event (pre-exe |
}; |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/b.aop ) |
## 12.QueryFilter |
```cs |
@ -287,6 +295,8 @@ public static SqlSugarClient GetInstance() |
return db; |
} |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/c.GobalFilter ) |
## 13.DbFirst |
```cs |
var db = GetInstance(); |
@ -316,15 +326,23 @@ db.DbFirst.IsCreateAttribute().Where("Student").CreateClassFile("c:\\Demo\\5"); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/d.DbFirst ) |
## 14.CodeFirst |
```cs |
db.CodeFirst.SetStringDefaultLength(100).BackupTable().InitTables(typeof(CodeTable),typeof(CodeTable2)); //change entity backupTable |
db.CodeFirst.SetStringDefaultLength(100).InitTables(typeof(CodeTable), typeof(CodeTable2)); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/e.CodeFirst ) |
## 15.Utilities |
```cs |
var list = db.Utilities.DataTableToList(datatable); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/f.Utilities ) |
## 16.SimpleClient |
```cs |
@ -335,6 +353,9 @@ sdb.GetList(); |
sdb.DeleteById(1); |
sdb.Update(obj); |
``` |
[<font color=red>View more >> </font>](https://github.com/sunkaixuan/SqlSugar/wiki/g.SimpleClient ) |
# Code generator |