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using SqlSugar;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HONORCSData.Order
/// <summary>
/// 出库单/入库单详情
/// </summary>
public class EOrderAlbaranDetail
/// <summary>
/// 出库单/入库单详情
/// </summary>
public EOrderAlbaranDetail()
private System.Int32 _AlbaranId;
/// <summary>
/// albaran_id
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "albaran_id")]
public System.Int32 AlbaranId { get { return this._AlbaranId; } set { this._AlbaranId = value; } }
private System.String _GoodsNo;
/// <summary>
/// 商品编号
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "goods_no")]
public System.String GoodsNo { get { return this._GoodsNo; } set { this._GoodsNo = value; } }
private System.String _BarCode;
/// <summary>
/// 条码
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "bar_code")]
public System.String BarCode { get { return this._BarCode; } set { this._BarCode = value; } }
private System.Boolean _IsBlanceBarCode;
/// <summary>
/// 是否对称条码:1 是 0 否
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "is_blance_bar_code")]
public System.Boolean IsBlanceBarCode { get { return this._IsBlanceBarCode; } set { this._IsBlanceBarCode = value; } }
private System.String _SpanishName;
/// <summary>
/// 西文名称
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "spanish_name")]
public System.String SpanishName { get { return this._SpanishName; } set { this._SpanishName = value; } }
private System.String _ChineseName;
/// <summary>
/// 中文名称
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "chinese_name")]
public System.String ChineseName { get { return this._ChineseName; } set { this._ChineseName = value; } }
private System.Decimal? _Price;
/// <summary>
/// 价格
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "price")]
public System.Decimal? Price { get { return this._Price; } set { this._Price = value; } }
private System.Decimal? _Number;
/// <summary>
/// 数量
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "number")]
public System.Decimal? Number { get { return this._Number; } set { this._Number = value; } }
private System.Decimal? _Iva;
/// <summary>
/// iva
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "iva")]
public System.Decimal? Iva { get { return this._Iva; } set { this._Iva = value; } }
private System.Decimal? _Req;
/// <summary>
/// req
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "req")]
public System.Decimal? Req { get { return this._Req; } set { this._Req = value; } }
private System.Int32? _IvaId;
/// <summary>
/// iva_id
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "iva_id")]
public System.Int32? IvaId { get { return this._IvaId; } set { this._IvaId = value; } }
private System.Decimal? _Discount;
/// <summary>
/// 折扣
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "discount")]
public System.Decimal? Discount { get { return this._Discount; } set { this._Discount = value; } }
private System.Boolean? _IsProhibitedChangeDiscount;
/// <summary>
/// 是否禁止更改折扣:1 是 0 否
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "is_prohibited_change_discount")]
public System.Boolean? IsProhibitedChangeDiscount { get { return this._IsProhibitedChangeDiscount; } set { this._IsProhibitedChangeDiscount = value; } }
private System.Decimal? _CostPrice;
/// <summary>
/// 成本价
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "cost_price")]
public System.Decimal? CostPrice { get { return this._CostPrice; } set { this._CostPrice = value; } }
private System.String _Commentary;
/// <summary>
/// 批注
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "commentary")]
public System.String Commentary { get { return this._Commentary; } set { this._Commentary = value; } }
private System.Boolean? _IsTemporary;
/// <summary>
/// 是否是临时的:1 是 0 否
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "is_temporary")]
public System.Boolean? IsTemporary { get { return this._IsTemporary; } set { this._IsTemporary = value; } }
private System.Int32? _OrderId;
/// <summary>
/// 订单id
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "order_id")]
public System.Int32? OrderId { get { return this._OrderId; } set { this._OrderId = value; } }
private System.Decimal? _PackageAmount;
/// <summary>
/// 包装数量(包数)
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "package_amount")]
public System.Decimal? PackageAmount { get { return this._PackageAmount; } set { this._PackageAmount = value; } }
private System.Decimal? _Total;
/// <summary>
/// 合计
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "total")]
public System.Decimal? Total { get { return this._Total; } set { this._Total = value; } }
private System.String _Remark;
/// <summary>
/// 备注
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "remark")]
public System.String Remark { get { return this._Remark; } set { this._Remark = value; } }
private System.String _DelFlag;
/// <summary>
/// 删除标记:1 删除 0 未删除
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "del_flag")]
public System.String DelFlag { get { return this._DelFlag; } set { this._DelFlag = value; } }
private System.String _UnitName;
/// <summary>
/// 单位名称
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "unit_name")]
public System.String UnitName { get { return this._UnitName; } set { this._UnitName = value; } }
private System.String _PurchaseSpec;
/// <summary>
/// 进货规格
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "purchase_spec")]
public System.String PurchaseSpec { get { return this._PurchaseSpec; } set { this._PurchaseSpec = value; } }
private System.Int32? _GoodsClassId;
/// <summary>
/// 商品类别
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "goods_class_id")]
public System.Int32? GoodsClassId { get { return this._GoodsClassId; } set { this._GoodsClassId = value; } }
private System.String _GoodsClassName;
/// <summary>
/// 商品类别名称
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "goods_class_name")]
public System.String GoodsClassName { get { return this._GoodsClassName; } set { this._GoodsClassName = value; } }
private System.Int32? _GoodsBrandId;
/// <summary>
/// 商品品牌
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "goods_brand_id")]
public System.Int32? GoodsBrandId { get { return this._GoodsBrandId; } set { this._GoodsBrandId = value; } }
private System.String _GoodsBrandName;
/// <summary>
/// 商品品牌名称
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "goods_brand_name")]
public System.String GoodsBrandName { get { return this._GoodsBrandName; } set { this._GoodsBrandName = value; } }
private System.Int32 _Id;
/// <summary>
/// 主键
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, ColumnName = "id")]
public System.Int32 Id { get { return this._Id; } set { this._Id = value; } }
private System.Int32 _TenantId;
/// <summary>
/// 所属租户id
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnName = "tenant_id")]
public System.Int32 TenantId { get { return this._TenantId; } set { this._TenantId = value; } }
[SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]
public int Index { get; set; }
public class ViewModelOrderAlbaranDetail: EOrderAlbaranDetail