8 years ago
4 changed files with 172 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
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<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/05/nuspec.xsd"> |
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<id>Savorboard.NPOI.Core.Ooxml</id> |
<version>1.1.1</version> |
<authors>Savorboard (yangxiaodong)</authors> |
<owners>Savorboard (yangxiaodong)</owners> |
<requireLicenseAcceptance>false</requireLicenseAcceptance> |
<licenseUrl>https://github.com/yuleyule66/Npoi.Core/blob/master/LICENSE.txt</licenseUrl> |
<projectUrl>https://github.com/yuleyule66/Npoi.Core</projectUrl> |
<iconUrl>http://images2015.cnblogs.com/blog/250417/201612/250417-20161205111925788-426624743.png</iconUrl> |
<description>NPOI Of NET Standard</description> |
<summary>This project is the .NET version of POI Java project at http://poi.apache.org/. POI is an open source project which can help you read/write xls, doc, ppt files. It has a wide application. |
For example, you can use it to. |
a. generate a Excel report without Microsoft Office suite installed on your server and more efficient than call Microsoft Excel ActiveX at background. |
b. extract text from Office documents to help you implement full-text indexing feature (most of time this feature is used to create search engines). |
c. extract images from Office documents. |
d. generate Excel sheets that contains formula.</summary> |
<releaseNotes></releaseNotes> |
<copyright>Copyright 2016</copyright> |
<tags>Excel Word Office NPOI</tags> |
<dependencies> |
<group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6"> |
<dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="1.6.0" /> |
<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core" version="1.1.1" /> |
<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core.OpenXml4Net" version="1.1.1" /> |
<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core.OpenXmlFormats" version="1.1.1" /> |
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<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core" version="1.1.1" /> |
<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core.OpenXml4Net" version="1.1.1" /> |
<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core.OpenXmlFormats" version="1.1.1" /> |
</group> |
</dependencies> |
</metadata> |
<files> |
<file src="bin\Release\netstandard1.6\Npoi.Core.Ooxml.dll" target="lib\netstandard1.6\Npoi.Core.Ooxml.dll" /> |
<file src="bin\Release\net46\Npoi.Core.Ooxml.dll" target="lib\net46\Npoi.Core.Ooxml.dll" /> |
</files> |
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
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<id>Savorboard.NPOI.Core.OpenXml4Net</id> |
<version>1.1.1</version> |
<authors>Savorboard (yangxiaodong)</authors> |
<owners>Savorboard (yangxiaodong)</owners> |
<licenseUrl>https://github.com/yuleyule66/Npoi.Core/blob/master/LICENSE.txt</licenseUrl> |
<projectUrl>https://github.com/yuleyule66/Npoi.Core</projectUrl> |
<iconUrl>http://images2015.cnblogs.com/blog/250417/201612/250417-20161205111925788-426624743.png</iconUrl> |
<requireLicenseAcceptance>false</requireLicenseAcceptance> |
<description>NPOI Of NET Standard</description> |
<summary> |
This project is the .NET version of POI Java project at http://poi.apache.org/. POI is an open source project which can help you read/write xls, doc, ppt files. It has a wide application. |
For example, you can use it to. |
a. generate a Excel report without Microsoft Office suite installed on your server and more efficient than call Microsoft Excel ActiveX at background. |
b. extract text from Office documents to help you implement full-text indexing feature (most of time this feature is used to create search engines). |
c. extract images from Office documents. |
d. generate Excel sheets that contains formula.</summary> |
<releaseNotes></releaseNotes> |
<copyright>Copyright 2016</copyright> |
<tags>Excel Word Office NPOI</tags> |
<dependencies> |
<group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6"> |
<dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="[1.6.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core" version="[1.1.1, )" /> |
<dependency id="System.Xml.XPath" version="[4.0.1, )" /> |
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<group targetFramework=".NETStandard1.6"> |
<dependency id="System.Xml.XPath.XDocument" version="[4.0.1, )" /> |
<dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="[1.6.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core" version="[1.1.1, )" /> |
<dependency id="System.Xml.XPath" version="[4.0.1, )" /> |
</group> |
</dependencies> |
</metadata> |
<files> |
<file src="bin\Release\netstandard1.6\Npoi.Core.OpenXml4Net.dll" target="lib\netstandard1.6\Npoi.Core.OpenXml4Net.dll" /> |
<file src="bin\Release\net46\Npoi.Core.OpenXml4Net.dll" target="lib\net46\Npoi.Core.OpenXml4Net.dll" /> |
</files> |
</package> |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<package > |
<metadata> |
<id>Savorboard.NPOI.Core.OpenXmlFormats</id> |
<version>1.1.1</version> |
<authors>Savorboard (yangxiaodong)</authors> |
<owners>Savorboard (yangxiaodong)</owners> |
<licenseUrl>https://github.com/yuleyule66/Npoi.Core/blob/master/LICENSE.txt</licenseUrl> |
<projectUrl>https://github.com/yuleyule66/Npoi.Core</projectUrl> |
<iconUrl>http://images2015.cnblogs.com/blog/250417/201612/250417-20161205111925788-426624743.png</iconUrl> |
<requireLicenseAcceptance>false</requireLicenseAcceptance> |
<description>NPOI Of NET Standard</description> |
<summary> |
This project is the .NET version of POI Java project at http://poi.apache.org/. POI is an open source project which can help you read/write xls, doc, ppt files. It has a wide application. |
For example, you can use it to. |
a. generate a Excel report without Microsoft Office suite installed on your server and more efficient than call Microsoft Excel ActiveX at background. |
b. extract text from Office documents to help you implement full-text indexing feature (most of time this feature is used to create search engines). |
c. extract images from Office documents. |
d. generate Excel sheets that contains formula.</summary> |
<releaseNotes></releaseNotes> |
<copyright>Copyright 2016</copyright> |
<tags>Excel Word Office NPOI</tags> |
<dependencies> |
<group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6"> |
<dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="[1.6.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core.OpenXml4Net" version="[1.1.1, )" /> |
<dependency id="System.ComponentModel.Primitives" version="[4.1.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="System.Xml.XmlSerializer" version="[4.0.11, )" /> |
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<group targetFramework=".NETStandard1.6"> |
<dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="[1.6.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="Savorboard.NPOI.Core.OpenXml4Net" version="[1.1.1, )" /> |
<dependency id="System.ComponentModel.Primitives" version="[4.1.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="System.Xml.XmlSerializer" version="[4.0.11, )" /> |
</group> |
</dependencies> |
</metadata> |
<files> |
<file src="bin\Release\netstandard1.6\Npoi.Core.OpenXmlFormats.dll" target="lib\netstandard1.6\Npoi.Core.OpenXmlFormats.dll" /> |
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</files> |
</package> |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<package > |
<metadata> |
<id>Savorboard.NPOI.Core</id> |
<version>1.1.1</version> |
<authors>Savorboard (yangxiaodong)</authors> |
<owners>Savorboard (yangxiaodong)</owners> |
<licenseUrl>https://github.com/yuleyule66/Npoi.Core/blob/master/LICENSE.txt</licenseUrl> |
<projectUrl>https://github.com/yuleyule66/Npoi.Core</projectUrl> |
<iconUrl>http://images2015.cnblogs.com/blog/250417/201612/250417-20161205111925788-426624743.png</iconUrl> |
<requireLicenseAcceptance>false</requireLicenseAcceptance> |
<description>NPOI Of NET Standard</description> |
<summary> |
This project is the .NET version of POI Java project at http://poi.apache.org/. POI is an open source project which can help you read/write xls, doc, ppt files. It has a wide application. |
For example, you can use it to. |
a. generate a Excel report without Microsoft Office suite installed on your server and more efficient than call Microsoft Excel ActiveX at background. |
b. extract text from Office documents to help you implement full-text indexing feature (most of time this feature is used to create search engines). |
c. extract images from Office documents. |
d. generate Excel sheets that contains formula.</summary> |
<releaseNotes></releaseNotes> |
<copyright>Copyright 2016</copyright> |
<tags>Excel Word Office NPOI</tags> |
<dependencies> |
<group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6"> |
<dependency id="System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms" version="[4.2.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="[1.6.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="System.Threading.Thread" version="[4.0.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="ZKWeb.System.Drawing" version="[2.0.1, )" /> |
<dependency id="SharpZipLib.NETStandard" version="[, )" /> |
</group> |
<group targetFramework=".NETStandard1.6"> |
<dependency id="System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms" version="[4.2.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="[1.6.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="System.Threading.Thread" version="[4.0.0, )" /> |
<dependency id="ZKWeb.System.Drawing" version="[2.0.1, )" /> |
<dependency id="SharpZipLib.NETStandard" version="[, )" /> |
</group> |
</dependencies> |
<frameworkAssemblies> |
<frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System.Xml" targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6" /> |
<frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System.Xml.Linq" targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6" /> |
</frameworkAssemblies> |
</metadata> |
<files> |
<file src="bin\Release\netstandard1.6\Npoi.Core.dll" target="lib\netstandard1.6\Npoi.Core.dll" /> |
<file src="bin\Release\net46\Npoi.Core.dll" target="lib\net46\Npoi.Core.dll" /> |
</files> |
</package> |
Reference in new issue