using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel;
namespace TestCases
public class POIDataSamples
* Name of the system property that defined path to the test data.
public static String TEST_PROPERTY = "POI.testdata.path";
private static POIDataSamples _instSlideshow;
private static POIDataSamples _instSpreadsheet;
private static POIDataSamples _instDocument;
private static POIDataSamples _instDiagram;
private static POIDataSamples _instOpenXml4Net;
private static POIDataSamples _instPOIFS;
private static POIDataSamples _instDDF;
private static POIDataSamples _instHPSF;
private static POIDataSamples _instHPBF;
private static POIDataSamples _instHSMF;
private string _resolvedDataDir;
/** <code>true</code> if standard system propery is not set,
* but the data is available on the test runtime classpath */
private bool _sampleDataIsAvaliableOnClassPath;
private String _moduleDir;
* @param moduleDir the name of the directory containing the test files
private POIDataSamples(String moduleDir)
_moduleDir = moduleDir;
public static POIDataSamples GetSpreadSheetInstance()
if (_instSpreadsheet == null) _instSpreadsheet = new POIDataSamples("spreadsheet");
return _instSpreadsheet;
public static POIDataSamples GetDocumentInstance()
if (_instDocument == null) _instDocument = new POIDataSamples("document");
return _instDocument;
public static POIDataSamples GetSlideShowInstance()
if (_instSlideshow == null) _instSlideshow = new POIDataSamples("slideshow");
return _instSlideshow;
public static POIDataSamples GetDiagramInstance()
if (_instOpenXml4Net == null) _instOpenXml4Net = new POIDataSamples("diagram");
return _instOpenXml4Net;
public static POIDataSamples GetOpenXml4NetInstance()
if (_instDiagram == null) _instDiagram = new POIDataSamples("openxml4j");
return _instDiagram;
public static POIDataSamples GetPOIFSInstance()
if (_instPOIFS == null) _instPOIFS = new POIDataSamples("poifs");
return _instPOIFS;
public static POIDataSamples GetDDFInstance()
if (_instDDF == null) _instDDF = new POIDataSamples("ddf");
return _instDDF;
public static POIDataSamples GetHPSFInstance()
if (_instHPSF == null) _instHPSF = new POIDataSamples("hpsf");
return _instHPSF;
public static POIDataSamples GetPublisherInstance()
if (_instHPBF == null) _instHPBF = new POIDataSamples("publisher");
return _instHPBF;
public static POIDataSamples GetHSMFInstance()
if (_instHSMF == null) _instHSMF = new POIDataSamples("hsmf");
return _instHSMF;
* Opens a test sample file from the 'data' sub-package of this class's package.
* @return <c>null</c> if the sample file is1 not deployed on the classpath.
private Stream OpenClasspathResource(String sampleFileName)
FileStream file = new FileStream(_resolvedDataDir + sampleFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
return file;
private void Initialise()
String dataDirName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[TEST_PROPERTY];
if (dataDirName == null)
throw new Exception("Must set system property '"
+ "' before running tests");
string dataDir = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\", dataDirName, _moduleDir);
dataDir = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, dataDir);
if (!Directory.Exists(dataDir))
throw new IOException("Data dir '" + dataDirName + "\\" + _moduleDir
+ "' specified by system property '"
+ TEST_PROPERTY + "' does not exist");
//if (!File.Exists(dataDirName + "SampleSS.xls"))
// throw new IOException(dataDirName + "SampleSS.xls does not exist");
_sampleDataIsAvaliableOnClassPath = true;
_resolvedDataDir = dataDir;
public string ResolvedDataDir
get { return _resolvedDataDir; }
* Opens a sample file from the standard HSSF test data directory
* @return an Open <tt>Stream</tt> for the specified sample file
public Stream OpenResourceAsStream(String sampleFileName)
if (_sampleDataIsAvaliableOnClassPath)
Stream result = OpenClasspathResource(sampleFileName);
if (result == null)
throw new Exception("specified test sample file '" + sampleFileName
+ "' not found on the classpath");
// System.out.println("Opening cp: " + sampleFileName);
// wrap to avoid temp warning method about auto-closing input stream
return new NonSeekableStream(result);
if (_resolvedDataDir == "")
throw new Exception("Must set system property '"
+ "' properly before running tests");
if (!File.Exists(_resolvedDataDir + sampleFileName))
throw new Exception("Sample file '" + sampleFileName
+ "' not found in data dir '" + _resolvedDataDir + "'");
// System.out.println("Opening " + f.GetAbsolutePath());
return new FileStream(_resolvedDataDir + sampleFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
public FileInfo GetFileInfo(string sampleFileName)
string path = _resolvedDataDir + sampleFileName;
if (!File.Exists(path))
throw new Exception("Sample file '" + sampleFileName
+ "' not found in data dir '" + _resolvedDataDir + "'");
return new FileInfo(path);
* @param sampleFileName the name of the test file
* @return
* @throws RuntimeException if the file was not found
public FileStream GetFile(String sampleFileName)
string path=_resolvedDataDir+sampleFileName;
if (!File.Exists(path))
throw new Exception("Sample file '" + sampleFileName
+ "' not found in data dir '" + _resolvedDataDir + "'");
// if (sampleFileName.Length > 0 && !sampleFileName.Equals(f.getCanonicalFile().getName()))
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("File name is case-sensitive: requested '" + sampleFileName
// + "' but actual file is '" + f.getCanonicalFile().getName() + "'");
// }
//catch (IOException e)
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
return new FileStream(path,FileMode.OpenOrCreate,FileAccess.ReadWrite);
public string[] GetFiles()
return Directory.GetFiles(_resolvedDataDir);
public string[] GetFiles(string searchPattern)
return Directory.GetFiles(_resolvedDataDir, searchPattern);
* @return byte array of sample file content from file found in standard hssf test data dir
public byte[] ReadFile(String fileName)
MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream();
Stream fis = OpenResourceAsStream(fileName);
byte[] buf = new byte[512];
while (true)
int bytesRead = fis.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
if (bytesRead < 1)
bos.Write(buf, 0, bytesRead);
catch (IOException)
return bos.ToArray();
private class NonSeekableStream : Stream
private Stream _is;
public NonSeekableStream(Stream is1)
_is = is1;
public int Read()
return _is.ReadByte();
public override int Read(byte[] b, int off, int len)
return _is.Read(b, off, len);
public bool markSupported()
return false;
public override void Close()
public override bool CanRead
get { return _is.CanRead; }
public override bool CanSeek
get { return false; }
public override bool CanWrite
get { return _is.CanWrite; }
public override long Length
get { return _is.Length; }
public override long Position
get { return _is.Position; }
set { _is.Position = value; }
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
_is.Write(buffer, offset, count);
public override void Flush()
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
return _is.Seek(offset, origin);
public override void SetLength(long value)